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July 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

July 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

What a rollercoaster the past month has been! A catastrophic debate, an attempted assassination, a vice-presidential pick, a campaign resignation and more. We've also seen quarterly earnings reports from a couple of big tech companies that have had a bearish impact on...

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7 Weekend Projects to Boost Your Property Value

7 Weekend Projects to Boost Your Property Value

Whether you’re putting your home on the market in a few weeks or a few years, strategic upgrades can make all the difference. But you don't have to embark on a major remodel to make a significant improvement. Even minor updates can have a big impact on your home’s...

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June 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

June 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

Welcome to my June 2024 real estate market update! Following early year optimism that inflation had been tamed, the Fed signaled 3 interest rate cuts throughout 2024 in their March Summary of Economic Projections (SEP). Unfortunately, data subsequently released...

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2024 Mid-Year Real Estate Market Update

2024 Mid-Year Real Estate Market Update

Last December, when the Federal Reserve projected a series of benchmark rate cuts in the coming year, some analysts speculated that mortgage rates—which had recently peaked near 8%—would fall closer to 6% by mid-2024. Unfortunately, persistent inflation has delayed...

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May 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

May 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

This spring has been quite interesting from a Bay Area real estate perspective. We've seen a healthy increase in homes for sale after a couple of years of very tight inventory. However, even with pent-up buyer demand, comparatively high interest rates have meant many...

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April 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

April 2024 – Real Estate Market Update

My April 2024 real estate market update comes with some surprising uncertainty. Early in the year it looked like we were on track for a soft economic landing after nearly 2 years of Fed rate increases. The Fed was forecasting 3 rate cuts throughout 2024 and both the...

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6 Strategies to Save on Home Insurance Premiums

6 Strategies to Save on Home Insurance Premiums

From wildfires to floods, the past few years have brought a historic number of devastating climate and weather events to the United States. In 2023 alone, there were 28 individual weather-related disasters that caused at least $1 billion in damages each. These events...

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